Updates, February 2025

Some news about upcoming releases
17 February 2025

Hello again.

In my last blog post, I said I was planning to release By Marsh and By Moor, first novel in an M/M historical romance trilogy, in late 2024. That didn't happen, obviously. Life and my day job got in the way. I'm sorry to have maintained radio silence for so long!

From now on, I'm going to avoid announcing any release dates until I have a finished manuscript. But I will say that By Marsh and By Moor is very close to being finished.

Jed Trevithick, able seaman, has just escaped from the Royal Navy, and he's determined never to return. But the war against Napoleon is never-ending, and Naval press gangs scour the coast, looking for cannon fodder.

He meets Solomon Dyer, a London ostler who has his own reasons for avoiding the press gang. Together, they flee across the countryside, quickly coming to rely on each other to survive—and tumbling into bed together soon afterwards.

But Jed still bears the scars from his time in the Navy, and Solomon's secret may be the very thing that puts him in danger again.

Then I'll start work on At the Sign of the Leopard. This is the next installment in the Old Bridge Inn series: an enemies-to-lovers F/F historical romance novel. Just now I'm having fun doing the research for it.

Another project I'm working on in 2025: Old Bridge Inn codas. These will be newsletter bonus stories, containing all the self-indulgent scenes I want to see, but couldn't include in the novels. Does Lucy ever introduce Hannah to Mr Raeburn, for instance? What becomes of Molly? Do Edwin and Noah stay friends? (And do they ever stop calling each other Mr Harrow and Mr Moorecott?!)

See you in a couple of months!